At Bethel we love the colour ORANGE; however, Orange is far more than just a colour. It’s a strategy to help build faith and character in people. You see, ORANGE represents the idea that two forces working together will have exponentially more influence than either entity alone. For us, that means parents and churches working together to make a difference in the lives of children. We see the red part of ORANGE as representing the heart of a family and the yellow part as representing the church and the light of Christ. When you combine the two you have an ORANGE strategy.
Our Sunday morning environments are part of something bigger! We really believe that what happens at home is more important then what happens at church. We want to partner with you, the parents to help engage in meaningful dialogue with your children about faith and character at home.
Our Vision
To create Orange families
Our Mission
To encourage, partner with and empower families because… ‘What happens at home is more important then what happens at church.’
Our Strategy:
Integrate Strategy (Two combined influences create synergy)
Align leaders and parents to lead with the same end in mind
Refine the Message (Two combined influences amplify what’s important)
Craft core truths into engaging relevant, and memorable experiences
Reactivate the Family (Two combined influences build an everyday faith)
Parents actively participate in the spiritual formation of their own children
Elevate Community (Two combined influences increase the odds)
Everyone is connected to a caring leader and a consistent group of peers
Leverage Influence (Two combined influences mobilize generations)
Create consistent opportunities for younger generations to experience personal ministry
We have come a long way in the development of the Orange vision since May 2009. It has been an exciting year in the area of Family Ministries. The upcoming year promises to hold a couple of new initiatives. In an effort to keep you informed lets look ahead to what is coming down the pipe in the next few months.
Looking Ahead…
Acting Up Summer Drama Camp
We are also looking forward to our first summer drama camp this July. We have room for 19 kids to sign up for “Snew White” the week of July 12th-16th. It is open to children ages 8-12. The camp runs from 9-3 pm each day. The cost is $150 for the week. We will celebrate with a performance on the evening of July 16th at 7:00 pm. Our volunteers are in place and we are just waiting for the camp to fill up! We still have room for 6 more kids. If you know of any budding young actors/actresses who would like to participate, please forward them the information on the Family Ministries website.
Coming Soon… “The Family Experience”
Each month in Upstreet our children are learning about a different virtue.
Beginning October 2010, we will be hosting a monthly Family Experience (FX).
The FX will be a shared worship experience for parents and children that will kick off the virtue for that month so parents can be informed about what the children are learning in Upstreet and can be better equipped to continue to teach the virtue at home.
The morning will run on the first Sunday of every month. We are hoping to have the service in the newly renovated old gym. If renovations are not complete by October, we will host it in the Upstreet room until renovations are complete. The FX one hour service will combine storytelling, drama, worship, media, and interaction.
Note: To give families an idea of what a Family Experience might look like, we offered a Good Friday Family Experience on April 2nd, 2010 in the Upstreet room. The service was well attended and families seem to enjoy a family centered Good Friday experience.
The FX embraces these core values:
Family Centered: it’s a family-centered production that requires parental involvement. It serves as a catalyst for the parent/child relationship. We want to encourage parents to spend quality time with their kids and to engage in the role of spiritual leadership with their children.
Kid Focused: is designed to create an upbeat and fun and relevant atmosphere for elementary-age children. In order to keep everyone engaged, we target it for 4th and 5th graders.
Virtue-driven: We emphasize a specific virtue to help kids develop faith and character. The meaning of the virtue is taught through examples from the Bible, nature, object lessons, media and sketches from everyday life.
Creatively wired: We will use innovative and creative tools to communicate timeless message….
edutainment is used to teach families.
User-friendly: Create a predictable and non-threatening place for families to bring friends…. our primary marketing tool will be word of mouth.
NOTE: Because we believe that “what happens at home is more important than what happens at church,” watch for ‘The Cue Box’ which is a resource for families that will encourage families to continue learning the virtue at home each month. Another way for us to empower parents! Exciting!
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